LaGuardia High School Senior Dance Concert 2022 2022 Senior Dance Concert #7LaGuardia High School 5x7 pastel2022 Senior Dance Concert #6LaGuardia High School 5x7 pastel2022 Senior Dance Concert #5LaGuardia High School 5x7 pastel2022 Senior Dance Concert #4LaGuardia High School 5x7 pastel2022 Senior Dance Concert #3LaGuardia High School 5x7 pastel2022 Senior Dance Concert #2LaGuardia High School 5x7 pastel2022 Senior Dance Concert #1LaGuardia High School 5x7 pastelIMG_6201IMG_6200IMG_6198IMG_61966IMG_6202IMG_6203 2021 Church Painting Note: These paintings were all done on-location inside St Patrick’s Cathedral in 2021. St Pat’s #99x12 pastel on mi tientesSt Patricks #8St Brigid 9x12 pastel on Mi TientesSt Patrick’s #79x12 pastel on Mi Tientes Painted on-locationSt Patrick’s #69x12 pastel on ArtagainSt Pat’s #59x12 pastel on black Mi Tientes painted on-locationSt Patrick’s Pipe Organpainted on-location 9x12 pastel on Mi TientesSt Patrick’s #39x12 pastel on Mi-TientesSt Patricks Cathedral #29x12 pastel Painted on-location Strathmore grey toned paperSt Patricks CathedralPainted on-location, 4 hours 9x12 pastel Strathmore grey toned paper Pastels Unnamed Beach8x10 pastel AphroditePainted on-location at The Met 9x12 pastel on Artagain Friday-wave-reuters Reflection8x10 pastel Salt Beach9x12 Daya9x12 Michael9x12 charcoal and pastel Turquoise Fog9x12 pastel Melissa9x12 pastel Medusa9x12 pastel Maya Papaya8x10 pastel Dusk in Auridon9x12 pastel Mudcrabs9x12 pastel Happy9x12 pastel Maz9x12 pastel Light Portal5x7 pastel Blackbirds8x10 pastel Furball’s Accident9x12 pastel